• EN

Drug law offences

The tables in this section monitor over time the numbers of reports of drug law offences for each reporting country.

Table DRCrime-1 gives, by country, an historical perspective of the development of the number of reports for drug law offences in the medium term and over a longer period.

Table DRCrime-2 gives for 2002/2000 by country the offence type categorised by use/possession for use, dealing/trafficking/both; Table DRCrime-3 similarly shows the drugs mentioned in the offences - the percentages specifying: cannabis, heroin and cocaine.
  • Table DRCrime-2. Offence type most involved in the reports for drug law offences, 2002/0.
  • Table DRCrime-3. Drug types involved in reports for drug law offences: percentage of all reports for drug law offences, 2002/0.
Table DRCrime-4 gives the medium-term historical changes in the proportion of offences that are related to use or possession for use, of drugs.
  • Table DRCrime-4. Percentage of total drug law offences that are related to drug use or possession for use, 1996-2002
Tables DRCrime-5 to DRCrime-7 give, by country, historically over the medium term the percentage of offences that specifiy cannabis, heroin and cocaine respectively.
  • Table DRCrime-5. Cannabis-related offences: percentage among total drug law offences, 1996-2002
  • Table DRCrime-6. Heroin-related offences: percentage among total drug law offences, 1996-2002
  • Table DRCrime-7. Cocaine-related offences: percentage among total drug law offences, 1996-2002


Page last updated: Monday, 22 November 2004