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Table Prevalence-0. School surveys: Sources

Country Ref. Sources
International * ESPAD figures are taken directly from the 1995 and 1999 ESPAD reports: The European school survey project on alcohol and other drugs The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN) and Council of Europe Pompidou Group.
International ** HBSC (WHO) figures for 2001/2 are taken directly from the international coordinator: Currie C. et al HBSC International Report from 2001/2002 WHO survey.
Belgium (fl) 1 Maes L and Vereecken C. Database 'Jongeren en gezondheid 1998' part of a WHO cross national study, University of Ghent, Department of Public Health. Ghent, 1999.
Belgium (fl) 2 VAD 1999 Kinable H. Bevraging van Vlaamse leerlingen in het Kader van een drugbeleid op school. Syntheserapport januari-juni 1999.
Belgium (fl) 3 Maes L and Vereecken C. Database 'Jongeren en gezondheid 1990-2000' part of a WHO cross national study, University of Ghent, Department of Public Health. Ghent, 2000.
Belgium (fl) 4 VAD 2000 Vereniging voor alcohol en ander drug problemen annual study in Flemish Community.
Belgium (fl) 5 VAD 2002 Leerlingenbevraging schooljaar 2000-2001.
Belgium (fl) 7 VAD 2003 Vereniging voor alcohol en ander drug problemen annual study in Flemish Community.
Belgium (fr) 8 Piette D, Prevost M, Boutsen M et coll. Vers la santé des jeunes en l'an 2000, HBSC, WHO, ULB-Promes, 1997.
Greece 1 Kokkevi A, Stefanis C- University Mental Health Research Institute, 1994.
Greece 2 Kokkevi, A., et al: Substance Use among High School Students in Greece: Outburst of illicit Drug Use in a Society Under Change. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Vol.58 (2000), 181-188.
Spain 1,2,3,4 School Survey on Drugs Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas.
France 1 Choquet M., Ledoux S., 1994, Adolescents, enquête nationale, Paris, Les éditions INSERM.
France 2 Ballion R. Enquête sur les conduites déviantes des lycéens 1997. Resultats preliminaires. CADIS - OFDT, 1998.
Ireland 2 Not available.
Italy 3,4 F. Mariani National Research Council - The Espad Project in Italy.
Italy 5 Not available.
Luxembourg 1 Fischer U. CH., Cannabis - eine Analyse der aktuellen Situation, CePT, Luxembourg, 2000.
Luxembourg 2 Das Wohlbefinden der Jugend - Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), Ministry of Health, Luxembourg.
Hungary 3 Not available.
Netherlands 1 De Zwart W et al. Key data; smoking, drinking, drug use and gambling among pupils aged 10 years and older. Trimbos Institute, 1997.
Austria 1 Springer A, Uhl A and Widensky K. Schüler und Drogen in Österreich: Wissen, Erfahrungen, Einstellungen. Wiener Zeitschrift für Suchtforschung, Nr. 1/2 1996; 3-21.
Portugal 3 Not available.
Sweden 2,4,5,6,7,8 Annual School Survey CAN. Sweden.
United Kingdom 2 Balding J. Young people in 1997: the Health Related behaviour Questionnaire results for 37538 pupils between the ages 9 and 16. Schools Health Education Unit. Exeter Univ. Exeter, 1998.
U.K. (England) 1,2,3,4 Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England. Office of National Statistics (ONS).
U.K. (Scotland) 1,2,3 Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in Scotland. Scottish Executive.
U.K. (Wales) 1 Welsh Youth Health Survey 1998. Part of WHO co-ordinated HBSC study.
U.K. (Northern Ireland) 1 Not available.

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