• EN

Drug-related deaths

These tables report the number of drug-related deaths recorded in the EU countries according to national definitions of 'drug-related deaths'. Tables DRDeath-1 and DRDeath-2 deal with data supplied by each of the countries who were EU members at the beginning of 2004, whilst DRDeath-3 shows separately the data supplied by newer EU and other countries.

The recorded characteristics of the deceased, reported in Table DRDeath-1, are the mean age at death and the percentages of those aged less than 25, aged 35 or more, with known toxicology, and with opiates reported in the toxicology. The information is presented for the most recent year available and, as comparison, for 1990 or nearest reported year.

Table DRDeath-2 reports the total number of drug-related deaths recorded in each country in each year from 1985 onwards, with an indexed time series, and also the numbers of drug-related deaths from1990 onwards by gender. Table DRDeath-3 shows similar information from 1990 onwards for the newer EU Member States and other countries.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 24 November 2004